Here are what set Wine Bottle Capsule of Hangzhou Topwell Packing Co.,Ltd. apart from the competitors. Customers can get more economic benefits out of the product for its relatively long service life. We use the finest materials and advanced technology to give the product a better appearance and performance. With the improvement of our production line, the product is priced much lower compared to other suppliers.
Since the early days of Topwell, we try every means to build our brand awareness. We firstly promote the presence of our brand on social media, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. We have operating specialists to post online. Their daily job includes updating our latest dynamics and promoting our brand, which is beneficial to our increased brand awareness.
To offer high quality services provided at Topwell, we have made great efforts on how to improve the service level. We upgrade the customer relationship system in a definite time, invest in employee training and product development and establish a marketing plan. We try to reduce delivery lead-time by improving output and shortening the cycle time.